Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

October 2021

Life-saving Information
and Dire Warnings for Australia ...
and the World!



CRAIG KELLY: I’m down here in my office in Canberra, Dr. Zelenko. Where are you at the moment.

DOCTOR VLADIMIR ("ZEV") ZELENKO: I’m in the United States. On the east coast. I keep it vague.

CK: [Laughing] Very good. Yes. For safety reasons. Now Dr. Zelenko, you are famous, renowned around the world for your early treatments of Covid. Can you quickly run through for us, what you recommend about all our early treatments. But before you do, maybe give us some of your  background about how you came across these early treatments, and why you recommend them.

VZ: First of all, thank you so much, it’s nice to see you again. I think you’re like a light, in a country of darkness. You’re shining bright. So I hope God gives you the strength to continue.

Regarding your question, my team has treated approximately 7,000 Covid patients, at this point. But even more significantly, we’ve educated hundreds if not thousands by this point, physicians around the world, who’ve done the same. So as a collective group we’re in the millions of patients – high risk patients – treated successfully with Covid. So that’s the perspective I’m coming from.

CK: Can I stop you there. You’ve had 7,000 patients. What’s your, for want of a better word, scorecard? How many patients have needed hospitalisation; how many have been on ventilators; how many patients have you lost from 7,000?     

VZ: Well we haven’t lost a patient in the last eight months, thank God. All total, we’ve lost three patients. We’ve hospitalised probably somewhere around 20, but they all came home. We have around six ventilating patients. But to be honest, those patients are the ones who presented after two weeks of being really sick. And there was damage control at that point.

CW: If I just go through, by comparison here. In New South Wales, my state, we’ve have something like 18,000 Covid cases. I think we’ve got something like 500 people currently in hospital, and something like more than 50 of them on ventilators. So, whatever you are doing, is leaving us in the shade here in New South Wales. You are obviously doing something differently, to get the different results. How is it possible that you can get such results, and yet in New South Wales we have so many more hospitalisations, and so many more cases, and so many more deaths?

VZ: The answer is very simple. There are risk factors to die from Covid. And there are only really two.

The first is the doctor you choose. Because [doctors] who are just following orders, at this point, are delaying treatment for the patients. And, by delaying treatment, patients get sicker and transition from the viral infection phase to the inflammatory phase, which causes them to die, or at least end up in the hospital. So the one risk factor is the incompetent doctor you choose.

Number two, is the government you live under. Because depending on the tyrannical policies of a government, access to life-saving medication, and to life-saving information, is being restricted. So, for example, ivermectin now is being HCQ’d. What I mean by that is that if you remember last year, HCQ, hydroxychloroquine, was vilified as the worst drug on the planet, even though it’s considered the safest drug on the planet, because it worked. And so they did an effective job in suppressing the use of hydroxychloroquine. I believe in your country, in New South Wales, a doctor who prescribed hydroxychloroquine could be sentenced to jail.    

CK: That’s in the state of Queensland, and also here in the ACT [Australian Capital Territory]. But still, I think you’ve used hydroxychloroquine, so if you were in the state of Queensland, you would probably be locked up in jail. And yet you’ve had these outstanding results.

VZ: Well that’s the point. Anything that works is being vilified. We should analyse why that is. If you look at the NIH [National Institutes of Health] in America, their current recommendations are not to treat Covid unless you’re in a hospital with an oxygen level less than 92. What that is, is the policy of a government that wants you to die. Not a policy of a government that wants you to survive. 

And it seems that all the policies that are being enacted globally, by the so-called leaders, are designed to maintain the narrative of fear and isolation. If you’ve studied any techniques of psychological warfare, which I have, prolonged fear, coupled together with human isolation, leads to a psychological decompensation of a person, and makes them extremely gullible and easy to manipulate into a course of action that you want them to participate in. So for example, when someone’s completely living in emotional pain and is distraught, which is essentially what the entire world is in, and then you dangle a false promise to them, in front of them, they will gravitate towards anything that will reduce their emotional pain. Because who could live in a chronic state of fear.

And so, for example, in the vaccination farce (in my opinion), what happens is that people become believers in a vaccine, regardless of the data, regardless of the facts, and if you attack that narrative, if you question their choices, they become belligerent. Why? Because you’re bringing them back into a state of panic.

By the way, I am pro Covid vaccine, if there was a safe and effective one. I’m not against the vaccine. I’m just anti-stupid, and I don’t want to kill my patients.

So, let’s reverse engineer the worst crime in human history. Because now we have almost a year-and-a-half of evidence and we can now look at different things, and different puzzle pieces, and put it together. If I tell you that anything that’s life-saving, anything that’s been proven to show a reduction in death by 85%, by dozens of studies, like early treatment of Covid-19 with a combination of anti-viral drugs, and that treatment approach is vilified and suppressed, the knowledge of that treatment approach  is vilified and suppressed, and any doctor who dares to speak against the narrative of the government — it could be the world expert in mRNA vaccine design and technology, like Robert Malone, Dr. Robert Malone who designed the vaccine, because he said something that was contrary to governmental policy — he’s deplatformed. That’s not a society that’s interested in the free flow of ideas. This is a ready full-blown tyranny. Totalitarian policies designed to have a certain outcome. It’s not about freedom, it’s not about truth, it’s about manipulation of information in order to enslave a body of people.

Now, if you look at the side-effects of these vaccines, they’re absolutely horrific. I mean, according to VAERS and the European data, they’re causing blood clots, they’re causing miscarriages, they’re causing myocarditis, the inflammation of hearts, causing increased rates of cancer, increased rates of auto-immune disease. There’s a question about infertility.

And then more importantly, there’s this concern of a genocidal potential reaction, called ADE [auto-immune dependent enhancement], that world experts are screaming, saying hold on! Dr. Luke Montaigne who won the Nobel Prize for discovering HIV is saying this is the biggest risk of genocide in the history of humanity. Dr. Michael Yeadon, who was vice-president of Pfizer, and the director of their vaccine development programme, says for every one child that dies of Covid, a hundred will die from the vaccine. Dr. Dolores Cahill from Ireland says, in her opinion, within two years, 90% of the people vaccinated will be dead. And these are world leading thought-leaders in the field!

So, I don’t know if they’re right or wrong. But one thing I can tell you, is if there’s a concern about a potential genocidal reaction… and when I say genocidal, if you look in the 1960s, the RSV vaccine killed kids that it was given to, and they found out it was because of this reaction of ADE, [where] your immune system goes crazy and kills the organism. In the 1970s, the Dengue fever virus vaccine did the same exact thing and they had to stop it. And then, historically, all the coronavirus vaccines – all of them – had this ADE reaction in the animals that they tested it on.

So I have one simple question. Before we deploy this vaccine, like Bill Gates says, to 7 billion people, wouldn’t it make sense to exclude the potential of this reaction that can kill anyone that you give the vaccine to, from actually happening in human beings?

It’s a rhetorical question. And the answer is, it wasn’t done. You’re the experiment.  

That raises a lot of flags. So I’m here, I’m telling you the following:

Side-effects about these vaccines are being suppressed, artificially. We’re being lied to. This is Dr. Robert Malone, who invented the vaccine, who is saying in America, do not take this vaccine the government is lying to you, about the side-effects. The guy invented the stuff.

The information about life-saving treatments is being suppressed. Drugs that have shown an 85% reduction in deaths, are being suppressed.

And then there’s the global coercion to take a vaccine [for which] the potential for mass murder has not been excluded.

So we could take a step back, and now look for the forest for the trees. We have some puzzle pieces that seem to be coming together. And what is the puzzle screaming? What is it saying?

By the way, I have a disclaimer. Do not believe anything that I’m saying. Don’t make the same mistake as they do with the government and with blind faith. There’s no more blind faith than this generation. What you should do is take the words that I’m saying, and test them. Vet them. Do your due diligence. I’m giving you very specific names, very specific information. Go look. Compare to the counter-narrative. Look what’s being said, and then make your own decision. That’s fine. I’m not saying you should believe me. I’m saying you should at least listen to me, and then do your due diligence.

With that said, if you google ‘Bill Gates 2015 TED lecture,’ this sociopath says the following: that the world population needs to be reduced by 15% because of global warming. Those are his words. It’s a matter of record. Now, the same sociopath, in 2020, last year says 7 billion people need to be vaccinated.

One simple question: why would I take a vaccine for my health, advocated for and financed by someone who wants to reduce the world population?

CW: Dr. Zelenko, one thing I’m struggling to understand, is that when I look at the vaccine there’s the short-term adverse effects which, there appears to be firstly no adequate measure, of actually measuring what they are. There seems to be this, sort of like second-hand voluntary reporting. So we really don’t even have a clear detail of what the short-term adverse effects are. But we have no detail whatsoever of what the long-term adverse effects are. And yet when we come to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin we’ve got decades of data to show that they’re safe. And those that are arguing against hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, saying, oh, you know, there’s not enough evidence for it, are gung-ho a hundred per cent that want to inject everyone, even though there is zero long-term safety data. It just doesn’t make sense to me.

VZ: Oh it makes perfect sense to me. The reason you have trouble with it is because you’re looking at the world through the eyes of a decent person. I don’t have that problem. I actually see and understand the essence of evil. I grew up under Communist Russia’s mentality. My parents suffered from it. And I could see the techniques of enslavement, the totalitarian process that we’re all going through.

I mean, Australia, in my understanding, is an example for the rest of the world of what is coming. I mean, you guys are under martial law almost. And the people’s freedoms have been overtly eroded under the false guise of, you need to give up your freedom to maintain your safety. Where according to the CDC this disease has a death rate of less than half-a-per cent, overall. And with treatment we can bring it down to almost zero.  So, what really is going on here, it’s not about the truth, it’s not about your safety. Ok. It’s about inducing global psychosis, to enslave people.

And this is not a new phenomenon. You see, in my opinion, this is a war against God. There’s two systems of thought that have collided and cannot co-exist. One system is God consciousness. That has implications. You see, if I believe that we are made in the image of God, that means your life has sanctity. If your life has sanctity, you have human rights. And if you have human rights, it’s not for me to decide how long you could live, and how many people should be on the planet.

The other system, let’s call it the Darwinist-survival-of-the-fittest, or eugenic system, says that there’s a hierarchy of humanity based on genetics or survivability. And what that does, it creates three strata of human beings. There’s the super-human, the human, and the sub-human. It sounds like a fairy tale, except, 80 years ago it killed 200 million people. Because the Nazis believed they were descendants of Aryan gods. And that made them übermenschen, the super-humans, and that entitled them to decide who should be enslaved and who should be dust. So the Anglo-Saxons were meant to be enslaved, the Europeans, to serve the Aryans, and the sub-humans, that I belong to, the Jews with big beards and short beards, and the Slavs, and the handicapped, and the gypsies, and political opponents, they needed to be thrown into gas chambers, and their corpses put into crematoriums and ovens to become dust. Why? Because the Nazis were descendants of Aryan gods.

This is exactly what’s going on now, except it’s not anti-Semitic. The criteria are completely different now. There’s a group of people that truly believe that they have evolved in consciousness to a higher level of illumination, which gives them a vision, an insight into the nature of existence, and that entitles them to set policies for the humans and the sub-humans.

Now, these supposedly illuminated evolved people, in my not-so humble opinion, are devolved pagans. There’s nothing new under the sun. These are people that are wannabe deities. These are people that believe… what kind of sociopath, like Bill Gates, could make a statement: I think the world population needs to be reduced? That is a human being who thinks he knows more than God, or that he himself is God. Whereas in reality we are all suffering because this nerd could not get a girlfriend in high school. And so now he’s angry at the entire world and he’s trying to make himself feel better by stepping on our heads. A true narcissist. By the way, these are psychodynamics that are really happening.

CK: Just going back to the treatments that you’ve done. In the early days, obviously, there was great controversy about what you’ve done. But isn’t there now, let’s say proof in the pudding, or the results are in, or the runs are on the board. Your scoreboard is there. Why aren’t there other politicians or people from Australia coming to your doorstep, and saying, Dr. Zelenko we are now having the Covid infection numbers like you experienced in New York and in the U.S., what can we learn from you, what can you tell us? There seems to be none of that whatsoever.

VZ: Well, that’s not true. For themselves and their families they are doing exactly what I’ve advocated. For example, I know the whole executive staff of Google are on hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. I’m aware of their doctor who put them on it.

CK: So when you say that, that’s what, a preventative, so like a prophylaxis?

VZ: Yeah, they’re taking for prevention, not to get Covid. They’re not taking the vaccine. [chuckles] You know, the White House, the CDC, the FDA, they’re not mandating for their employees the vaccine. So the hypocrisy is that there’s a double standard. There’s the people that are in power, that know the truth, that are doing it for themselves and their families, but for the rest of us mindless sheep, they’re advising to stay away from life-saving measures. I’m sorry, but the data is clear. Dozens of studies have shown an 85% reduction in hospitalisation and death if you treat this thing early, within the first few days of symptoms. That means out of 600,000 dead Americans, for example, 510,000 could’ve not even gone to the hospital.

You see the crimes here are so … massive, that the human mind cannot accept or comprehend the scale of the malfeasance and the malevolence. But that’s the problem. In reality, what we’re dealing with is a group of very, very, very bad people, that have set into motion dangerous policies that are meant to hurt many of us.

CK: This is the other thing I can’t get my head around. Your treatments of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, zinc, and I think you use azithromycin as the antibiotic, and you throw vitamin D in there as well, they also seem such very benign treatments that have many years of data of safety. If you’re going into this terrible pandemic, surely you’d be throwing everything you possibly could at it? Surely these things would be worth trying, even if you didn’t think that they were any good, surely they’re worth trying? But it appears to be they’re blocked and the standard treatment we have here in Australia is if you catch Covid, basically go home, lay in bed, and if you have trouble breathing, call an ambulance and we’ll take you to hospital. It just seems to be so bizarre that our authorities wouldn’t suggest some of these treatments that you’re showing yourself, actually work.

VZ: Well that’s my thinking. When I started with treating my patients, it was in March of 2020 and there were no other treatments available, except go home and die. And, I decided that’s not a good treatment plan. So I innovated and I tried new things. And with the grace of God, hydroxychloroquine together with zinc. Now, I understand it’s not really hydroxychloquine. It’s zinc ionophores. Hydroxychloroquine is one of the zinc ionophores. But the whole idea is, you need to get enough zinc into the cell to stop the virus from growing, and zinc needs help getting inside the cell, and hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are two prescription drugs that let zinc get inside the cell.

However, there are some over the counter options that I think every Australian should know about, because that’s a way to say "get lost!" to your government and live, and that is by taking quercetin, or ECGC. Quercetin is a natural plant derivative, comes from vegetables, I don’t know if you… does your government have anything against vegetables?

CK: [laughing] Don’t give them any ideas. But I understand that quercetin was originally from what’s found in apples. The old saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Maybe it’s the quercetin in the apples?

VZ: It’s not a joke. I’m going to give you a piece of information that may clarify some things.
There’s a certain infection in the world called influenza. Maybe you’ve heard of it? And influenza is responsible for around a trillion dollars in business, over a decade. Maybe even more. So it’s a very lucrative business. Whether it’s flu shots, or contact tracing. Here it turns out something very interesting. That the same treatment for Covid-19, which inhibits RNA-dependent RNA polymerase – for the lay person, it’s the enzyme that helps make copies of the virus — it turns out that influenza uses the same mechanism.

So, to translate that, what that means, I’ll make it very simple: the same quercetin and zinc, or hydroxychloroquine/invermectin and zinc, or there’s something else, a green tea extract called ECGC, it’s also over the counter, and zinc, not only does it shut down all the Covid strains – by the way I just said all the Covid strains, Alpha, Beta, South African, Delta, Lambda and every other future one – it shuts all down, but it also shuts down all the influenza virus.

So what that means is, a 20 cent-a-pill remedy, could destroy a trillion dollar business.

So perhaps, that could be one of the reasons that the powers, the stakeholders, who have deeply invested themselves into this industry are so scared, and so afraid, that they have vilified, threatened, any doctor in the world who’s willing to stand up and say, you’re hiding something, you’re not letting the public have safe treatments, cheap treatments.

For example, hydroxychloroquine has been around for 65 years… 66 years now, actually. And it’s been used in pregnant women, in nursing mothers, and in children, for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus, and malaria, and it’s completely safe.  

Ivermectin has been used four billion times. And it’s completely safe.

So, what’s not safe is out-of-control Covid. See, Covid is two diseases. I’ll say it again. The first disease is curable. The first five days of the viral load. It’s so easy to cure. It’s so easy to treat. It’s easier to treat than the flu. However, if you let it get out of control, it sets off an internal inferno, which makes it almost impossible to save the person. So timing’s everything.

So the policies designed by the Australian government – I’ll speak directly to the Australian people – are designed to hurt you. They’re designed to delay treatment, and so that your treatment should progress to a stage where you need to end up in a hospital and get more expensive treatments, or even die. So, your prime minister and your leadership is, basically, they’re prostitutes that have sold themselves out to the stakeholders. And whoever they are, the interest is not the protection of the Australian public. That’s not their point. They’re making quarantine concentration camps for your own good. You should go there with a smile. I mean, what are you, insane?

You know, I’m a Hasidic Jew. By the way, that attack on you [by two opposition Labor MPs], about you being an anti-semite, I found was anti-semitic. Because, you said something very accurate, and I do have a big Jewish beard.

CK: [Smiles and chuckles]

VZ: And you’re one of my best friends. So I don’t know what these morons are thinking. Or I do know what they’re thinking, they’re trying to vilify your reputation because you’re over [the] target. You are actually saying, the truth. You are putting in danger and threatening their false narrative of enslavement of the Australian public.

So this Hasidic Jew, 40 of whose own relatives were shot or buried alive in Kiev, during World War II by the Nazis, in a forest called Babi Yar, ok, knows very well, viscerally, what genocide is. I don’t need to be lectured. And I don’t use that world lightly. And I’m telling you, the Australian people are on the verge of a genocide because of the policies of your government. So rise up. Non-violently. But there’s many more of you than them. Just say no! No.

Look at your truck drivers. [Hundreds of truck drivers blocked major roads in several states in protest over lockdowns and vaccine mandates – Ed.]. I have to give a shout out to the Fox family, who I believe is in the trucking industry. Thank God for your truck drivers. They’re, I guess, tough men, and tough women, and they’re saying no! We’re gonna shut you down! Rise up. Protect your families.

CK: So what’s your recommendation, medical recommendation, in an area where Covid is fairly significant in a society? What should people do to protect themselves? Our government says hide indoors and wear a mask. What would your recommendations be?

VZ: Well let me define success. Don’t die. Don’t end up on a respirator. And don’t go to the hospital. And the way to do that, it’s very simple. Get into your house, four things that are [available] over the counter. Get:

 Vitamin D;

Vitamin C;


and one of two things, or both: Quercetin, or ECGC.

By the way, I have a website, it’s free, it has all the dosing on it, that’s important. I’m not going to give you the dosing now. Too complicated. But it has the dosing that you should at least consider taking.

CK: That website, I understand it’s,  

VZ: Yeah. It’s my name and my credentials, dot com.

I’ll make it very simple, because people need guidance. If you’re over the age of 45, or you have any medical problems, take prevention. Consider it your new vaccine. Take prevention. Put the stuff into your body. Make sure you have enough zinc inside your cells, and enough vitamin D. Because vitamin D is a bullet-proof vest. And zinc kills the virus. And you need vitamin C and quercetin, for example, to get enough zinc inside the cell. It’s a gun and a bullet; you need the bullet in the right place. And quercetin and [vitamin] C is the gun. Of course, I prefer a 50-calibre machine gun, which is hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. But the reality is, you have to go war with what you have, not what you wish you have. But if you don’t have the 50-calibre machine gun, take the 22-calibre pistol, and use it also, because it will save your life.

So you take it before you’re sick. This way you don’t get sick. Now nothing’s a hundred per cent, so if you do get sick, then you have to triple the dosing… if you cannot get the 50-calibre machine gun. This is key.

CW: And all that detail’s there, on your website. For people to go and see. My other question to you is: our prime minister and our opposition leader, of both major parties, seem to be very keen to inject the 12-year-old boys and girls. I understand you have children in that age bracket, somewhere around that. What are your thoughts on giving these injections to 12-year-old children?

VZ: Well, if you believe in child sacrifice – if you believe in cutting the throat of a child is a good idea, or taking a child and throwing it off a cliff, or putting it into a volcano – then injecting this vaccine is a very good idea, if you believe in child sacrifice.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, who was the vice-president of Pfizer – maybe you’ve heard of that company – and the head of their vaccine development programme, said to me personally, it is not hearsay, he said it to me, that for every one child that dies from Covid, a hundred will die from the vaccine. So if that’s not child sacrifice, I don’t know how you define it.

But in a demographic, that according to the CDC, looking today, has a 99.998 survival rate from Covid, without treatment, that means 100% survival, almost. To inject them with something that causes blood clots, myocarditis, cancer, auto-immune diseases, and a potential of infertility... and this potential of ADE is a crime of biblical scale, is a crime against humanity, and whoever’s advocating it should hang from a rope, at the Haig. I don’t know if I answered your question?

CK: I think you did. You also mentioned at one stage, you think for children that influenza is more dangerous than Covid.

VZ: It’s not what I think, it’s the data. Influenza kills more kids than Covid.

CK: So isn’t this the case that the injection of the children is being done not actually to protect the children but to protect the adults, or supposedly to protect the adults? Which to me seems the complete reversal of what being a human is; that you protect the kids, you don’t, to use the word, effectively use the kids as human shields. It just seems to me the reversal of everything that is in our genes, that we protect our children first. We sacrifice ourselves to try and make things better for our kids and future generations. It just seems we’ve got things so back the front.

VZ: Any normal human being, with normal decent values, wants the best for their children, and for them to have a better life than they had. For them to achieve more, for them to progress and experience the beauty of God’s greatness, even to a higher, deeper level of consciousness. And, these policies… first of all, if you’re afraid for grandma, and you’re such a believer in this vaccine, so vaccinate grandma, and leave the kids alone.

The reality is the vaccine doesn’t work, it doesn’t protect grandma, and it’s not designed to protect grandma, and it’s not designed to protect the kids. It’s designed to give power to the essence of evil, which is the prime minister of your country, and people of that calibre, that have prostituted themselves, and sold the people out, of their country, [that] they’ve been elected to protect. It’s a disgrace, and an affront to God!           

CK: Where do you see this going? At the moment we see in Israel, it was two injections, which they called fully vaccinated, and it gave you freedom. Now it appears as though, I think they’ve got the Green Pass in Israel, to be revoked after six months, and then you have a third injection. Then I’d imagine it’ll be a fourth, a fifth, a sixth. It just seems to be these people want to have injections forever.

VZ: I see a glorious future. Everything I’ve said is doom and gloom. But I actually see that the world is on the verge of a transformation. It’s gonna be bumpy. There’s gonna be some turbulence. There’s gonna be a few moments of unpleasantness. But the world will not tolerate anymore, the lies. We will not live anymore under this false narrative that sociopaths have crafted, and our eyes have been opened. And what we need, the solution here is a grassroots awakening of consciousness of decent human beings. That we should coalesce together into a new society of truth-loving people that protect each other against a tyranny of a few sociopaths.

And there’s many, many more of us than them. You know, one Nazi with one German Shepherd could shepherd 10,000 sheep into a gas chamber. Why? Because the sheep let them. Ok. It is true that if everyone arose some of the people would’ve been killed. But eventually they would’ve trampled that Nazi. We need to trample, in a non-violent way, the enemies of humanity by the arousal of the human spirit, and banding together of God-centred, like-minded people who value freedom for their children. Do not submit to this tyranny! Stop being… blind. I have to watch my words. Stop being… submissive. Rise up! In a non-violent way. Rise up and say no!

CK: Thanks for your time, Dr. Zelenko. Also, I understand that you have some health challenges yourself. And while you’ve been doing this great work, teaching so many other doctors, I think there’s someone upstairs looking after you, and keeping you safe so you can [continue] your work. Our prayers, from everyone in Australia, are with you.

VZ: Thank you. You know, I think there’s a reason why you should listen to me. Because I may have only another few months to live, God forbid, but that’s the reality. I just got diagnosed with recurred cancer. It’s not operable. And I have to try now some experimental treatments. I hope they work, but everything’s in God’s hands. But while I have consciousness and my head is still working and my mouth is still able to speak, I will continue to send this message to people. And by the way it’s not about my ego, it’s not about wanting power or fame. I’m so past that. When someone is in this stage of life, where they really think they’re going to be meeting the Creator soon, none of that matters. What matters is truth. What matters is alignment of will with the Creator. And I want a better future for your children and my children. And so I’m begging you, I’m pleading with you, with normal people: wake up, say no to the tyranny, let’s band together, and destroy, in a non-violent way, this enemy.    

CK: Thanks, Dr. Zelenko. We’re all praying for you down here, in Australia. We thank you for the work you’ve done.

VZ: God bless you, and God Bless the people of Australia.




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