Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

May 2018

Humanae Vitae at 50


- Part II -

Abortion by stealth

So many aspects of Humanae Vitae, contraception, contraceptives and birth control agents deserve discussion in depth. However, in this article I am constrained to concentrate on a very small number of these. Prime among them, however, is the brutal reality of the shameless failure of Catholic bishops, priests and theologians to teach the faithful — either about the intrinsic evil of 'contraception,' or the stark pharmacological truth that most so-called contraceptives also cause early abortions.

Most “contraceptives” — such as 'The Contraceptive Pill', 'The Morning After Pill', the IUD, Norplant, and injectable hormones such as Depo-Provera — are abortive. Their abortive actions are incontrovertible facts: quickly and easily verified by simply reading the pamphlets accompanying the sale of these things (although their abortive actions have become increasingly difficult to discern amid the medical terminology and jargon).

A true contraceptive is one which is contra-conception: i.e., it prevents conception. Conception being the event that occurs when the sperm and the ovum fuse together, joining their chromosomal identities to one another and thereby establishing full complements of chromosomal DNA and ribosomal RNA – and in this process establishing a new, unique, human individual. Essentially, from this moment forward, the only things that are necessary for this new human being to reach full maturity are nutrition, shelter, safety and protection from harm. All of which are provided until the time of birth in the safety and perfect environment of the mother's womb.

How 'contraceptives' work

Birth-control pills and injectable and implantable hormones all have three prime mechanisms of action:

  1. They inhibit ovulation; this action being a partial, temporary sterilising action.
  2. They obstruct the passage of sperm though the mouth of the womb by thickening the plug of mucus in the Cervix; this action being a barrier contraceptive effect.
  3. They alter the lining of the womb into which a human embryo must implant itself between 5 to 11 days after conception, by rendering this lining hostile to implantation. Thereby, they directly cause the embryo to fail to implant, causing it to die. This is its abortive action.

The facts are, that while using these products:

But then the 3rd action of these drugs comes into effect: namely, the effect on the lining of the womb, and the embryo is aborted. How often abortion is caused by these drugs has been estimated by Pharmacists for Life as being around 15 million a year in the USA alone.

However, from time to time, despite women taking these drugs in full accordance with the directions and despite the damage to the lining of the womb, the pregnancy continues. These events are termed "contraceptive failures", and then "post-conceptive Family Planning" — i.e., abortion, is offered to 'rectify' this. 

The action of so-called contraceptives on the endometrium (the lining of the womb) constitutes actual biological 'scorched earth' and 'poisoning of the wells' atrocities, specifically designed to kill tiny human beings. IUDs cause abortions by:

  1. Preventing implantation because of their mechanical presence inside the womb, which dislodges the embryo.
  2. Causing infections inside the cavity of the womb which damages both the embryo and the lining of the womb, and often damages the fallopian tubes.
  3. Those wrapped with copper coils release lethal levels of copper, thereby killing embryos. It is Death by Copper, in contrast to Death by Zyklon B.
  4. Those that also contain birth-control hormones cause further damage to the lining of the womb, further increasing its abortive action.

Apart from the methods of preventing birth described above, sterilisation (neutering) of men and women is common and increasing in popularity: mainly due to its efficacy as a method of birth control, but also because it avoids the specific complications caused by the hormones in birth control drugs and devices.  However, surgical sterilisation itself is associated with many adverse physical consequences.

  1. Vasectomy:  This is easily performed as a quick and simple out-patient procedure in which the spermatic cord is cut and tied, thereby preventing sperm from being ejaculated.
  2. Tubal ligation: The fallopian tubes are surgically tied, cut or cauterised. Thereby preventing ova from being fertilised by destroying the pathway that sperm must traverse in order to reach the ovum.
  3. Tubal amputation: The fallopian tubes are surgically removed.
  4. Oophorectomy: The ovaries are removed, thereby castrating the woman.
  5. Hysterectomy: The womb is removed. Hysterectomy may be accompanied by the removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Damnable lies and demonic deceit

In attempting to deny that the action preventing implantation of the embryo in the womb constitutes abortion, the Contraception-Abortion Cartel claim — against all evidence and logic — that human life does not begin at the beginning — at the time of conception/fertilisation — but only after the embryo has implanted himself or herself into the lining of the womb when they are between 5 and 11 days old!

Therefore, in their Newspeak, causing abortions by disrupting or preventing implantation, does not constitute abortion!

This deliberate lie — 'human life does not begin at the beginning, it only begins 2 weeks after the beginning' — is one which Joseph Goebbels would laud. His attempt to disguise the Holocaust with Arbeit Macht Frei over entrances to the death camps, is the moral equivalent of trying to disguise the Abortion Holocaust with 'human life only begins 2 weeks after the beginning'. In both cases, the motive is to disguise the savage wholesale murder of the born and unborn. One of only seven survivors of the Montluc death camp, where the notorious Klaus Barbie massacred seventy-two of the seventy-nine prisoners, André Frossard agreed. During Barbie's trial in 1987, the late literary icon and close friend of John Paul II moved the French public with his eloquent testimony, some of which the editor of Christian Order recounted in his tribute to Frossard on his death in 1997 (my emphasis): 

For Frossard, what distinguished this type of terrifying crime against humanity and set it apart from all others was the cold-bloodedness with which the murders were committed and tirelessly repeated. To those who asked if it could ever happen again, he responded in the affirmative, pointing out that all such crimes had one and the same origin — contempt for man.... the same contempt which then, as now, sought to kill a human being for the sole reason that it was conceived.

[Cavalier Seul, CO, June/July 1997]

Biological weapons of mass destruction 

As one who viewed abortion-on-demand as a venture in dehumanisation far exceeding that of  the death camps he endured, Frossard, too, would contend that abortive 'contraceptives' are true Weapons of Mass Destruction; contemptibly arrayed against the most innocent and helpless of all human beings, namely very young human embryos.

That said, women whose 'contraceptives' produce this holocaust of intrauterine infanticide are generally unaware of how these drugs and devices work. Pharmacists, and 'family planning' doctors and nurses who promote and dispense these death-dealing and soul-destroying things, almost without exception, fail to tell women about their murderous effects. Nor do they warn women of the serious risks to their health inherent in their use, such as strokes, blood-clots and pulmonary emboli, to mention only three of the numerous complications associated with their use. 

Invariably, when asked specifically about their harmful medical effects and their abortive actions, the 'family planners' ignore or brazenly deny these things. And on the very rare occasions they provide answers, their usual response is to say that pregnancy itself holds many serious risks for women. 

Doctors: deceiving patients - betraying medical ethics

In direct contravention of medical principles of “informed consent,” doctors, nurses and 'family planning' activists regularly remove and destroy the package-inserts of these so-called contraceptives to deceive women by hiding the truth from them.

This shameless deceit is more commonly prevalent in the under-developed countries than it is in developed countries. Among many other reasons, this is because the fertility of women in un-developed areas constitutes a real demographic threat to the elite and affluent of the developed world, where the birth rates of local indigenous populations are well below replacement levels.

In many areas of the under-developed world, doctors regularly sterilise without consent, women whom they deliver by Caesarean section. Injections of Depo Provera — a dangerous and powerful hormonal birth-control drug that lasts for 3 months after a single injection — are given to women immediately after delivery. Doctors and nurses tell the new mothers that it will increase their breast milk supply, failing to tell them that it is a birth-control agent, and that it gets into breast milk and is ingested by the baby. Depo-Provera is also dispensed as another form of involuntary birth control by telling women it will improve their immunity against diseases.

Just consider: this dangerous drug forms the basis of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Family Planning 2020 programme.

In medicine, doctors develop and use drugs to treat illnesses and restore health to their patients. In using contraceptives, they use harmful drugs and devices to alter and damage the normal healthy physiology of their patients. Along with the population-controllers, such as Paul Ehrlich and Jeffrey Sachs et. al. (now so welcome in the Vatican), they view pregnancy as an illness; a disease to be prevented. And when prevention fails, it can be 'cured' by abortion.

Ongoing ecclesiastical sin of omission

As I continue to stress, most Catholic bishops, priests and theologians avoid ever mentioning population control and the unprecedented genocidal slaughter of the unborn caused by contraception.

It is true that some of these drugs and devices may not always cause abortions in each fertile cycle because in such cycles they may be operating as temporary sterilising agents or as barrier contraceptives. However, it cannot be stressed strongly enough that all varieties of hormonal methods and IUDs cause abortions, and that their ultimate effectiveness in preventing births greatly depends on inducing early abortions. 

Even pro-life pastors in sermons and newsletters seldom mention the abortive actions of 'contraceptives.' I am not talking here about the procurement of abortions by way of “the contraceptive mentality,” whereby 'contraceptive failures' are corrected by surgically induced abortions. I am referring to the direct abortive actions of these drugs and devices.

Since information about their abortive action is so easily found by reading the package-inserts provided by the manufacturers — enclosed by law in each pack when these products are dispensed — there is absolutely no excuse for anyone in the developed world, let alone Catholic bishops, priests or theologians, not to know about this horrendous reality.

Yet year after year, despite all the indisputable facts, whenever they might happen to say anything at all about contraception, they persist in euphemistically and deceptively calling these things “contraceptives.” As they survey from their pulpits the diminishing numbers of Catholics who still bother to attend Holy Mass in the developed world, Catholic priests know, as surveys repeatedly confirm, that most Catholic women sitting in the pews in front of them are using 'contraceptive' drugs and devices that cause the destruction of very young human embryos. Their failure to inform their parishioners about the evils of 'contraception' constitutes a very grave sin of omission.

Pope Francis: keeping extremely bad company

Now that Pope Francis has set up a Papal Commission to re-examine and re-evaluate Humanae Vitae, faithful Catholics greatly fear that it portends a 'papal permit' to contracept in some way or another.  This foreboding is greatly increased by Francis inviting vile advocates of abortion and population control like Paul Ehrlich and Jeffery Sachs to various Vatican meetings, even placing them on various Vatican committees. His effusive admiration for Emma Bonino compounds the worry.

A notorious abortionist, Bonino was hugely influential in legalising abortion in Italy. She is known as “la bicicletta” because of her use of bicycle pumps to perform back-street abortions. Currently a member of the Italian parliament, she is accredited with having personally performed more than 10,000 abortions. This shameless monster by far exceeds Dr Joseph Mengele as an Angel of Death. Mengele allegedly murdered fewer than 12 people in Auschwitz. Somewhat small fry when compared to Bonino's 10,000 'hits'. Yet Pope Francis publicly embraces and eulogises her as “One of Italy’s great ones.”

On January 12, 2018, Michael Hichborn of The Lepanto Institute reported that Lilianne Ploumen, former Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation in the Netherlands, had been honoured by the Pope with the title of Commander in the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great. Yet Ploumen is a notorious promoter of world-wide abortion and homosexuality, and instigator of LGBT disruptions of the Holy Mass.

The Lepanto Institute was able to confirm from a December 22, 2017, Dutch radio broadcast that Ploumen had indeed received the award.  In a brief video clip — available on YouTube — Ploumen proudly displays the medal, while stating that she received it from the Pope despite promoting abortion. She claimed that her award is an individual one, "in recognition for her work," and that the Vatican must certainly be aware of all aspects of her work.

Since President Trump stopped US Federal funding by restoring President Reagan’s Mexico City Policy, which cut off funding for abortion organisations, Lilianne Ploumen has raised $390 million for International Planned Parenthood (IPPF), The Marie Stopes Foundation and similar organisations deprived of funds by Trump. By this fanatical fundraising, Ploumen promotes the ideas of Marie Stopes and Margaret Sanger; ideas which inform the satanic organisations they founded. Indeed, the diabolical views of these two women require some elaboration so as to underline the hellish complicity of a Vatican providing platforms and lending credibility to those who maintain and further their work. 

In life, the ideologies of Sanger and Stopes were closely aligned, both peddling contraception and "free love." In death, the vile institutions they founded continue their affiliation, together sowing death and depravity across the earth.

Sanger crystallised her compulsive ideology thus: "birth control is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defective." Among Sanger’s "defectives" were Catholics and American negroes, for whom she designed her "Negro Project."  Her Birth Control League — an organisation based on racism and eugenics — was closely linked to the Nazi eugenic programme before the Second World War. After the horrendous face of eugenics was revealed in the death camps of the Third Reich, Sanger — still true to her eugenic and racist ideology — morphed it into Planned Parenthood. 

In Africa and other parts of the world, IPPF and Marie Stopes work in concert to destroy all opposition to contraception and abortion.  In South Africa, for example, IPPF funded The Reproductive Rights Alliance. This Alliance incorporated The Abortion Reform Action Group (ARAG), to normalise abortion on request via Nelson Mandela, the African National Congress, the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions. The aim was to force “The Choice on Pregnancy Act,” at the time the world’s most liberal abortion law, through the South African Parliament, totally against the will of the people. Fr. Smangaliso Mkhatshwa, the former Secretary General of the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference, assisted them in bringing about this appalling evil. 

All over Africa, Marie Stopes International and IPPF set up Women’s Health Centres and Women’s Wellness Clinics. From these clinics they dispense and promote contraception and abortion, and openly perform abortions in countries where abortion remains a crime. In association with various branches of the UN and other nefarious organisations such as USAID and the British Overseas Development Corporation, they influence politicians to normalise abortion, while simultaneously indoctrinating and corrupting schoolchildren by way of prurient sex education. In South Africa, Marie Stopes advertises abortion on public garbage bins.

Certainly, the Pope was very much aware of the dismay and rage that his award to Ploumen, and his very happy photo-shoots with her had evoked among the Catholic faithful around the world. But always the consummate politician, on cue, in his address to the Diplomatic Corps in the Vatican on January 8, 2018, he predictably affirmed the right to life of the unborn.

Asked about the Medal, one Vatican official disingenuously claimed that the Vatican did not keep records of those honoured by this award. Like so much else pouring out of Rome these days, this statement is simply beyond belief. Thus, at the time of writing, the reason for rewarding such a fanatical foot-soldier of Stoperian and Sangerian evil remains unclear. No satisfactory explanations have been forthcoming from the Vatican and Catholics, once again, are left scandalised, shocked, uninformed, confused, and profoundly alarmed.

Ever-widening credibility gap

The aforementioned events and their consequences constitute just a sampling of the unspeakable betrayals of Catholic morality by this pontiff and the hierarchy. Steadily, blow by blow, step by step, scandal upon scandal, the credibility gap between Pope Francis and faithful Catholics grows ever wider and deeper. Here is a short list of who and what have been variously disregarded, insulted and scandalised by the behaviour of Francis: 

  1. Almighty God and His Gift of Life.
  2. The Teaching of Christ.
  3. Faithful Catholics everywhere.
  4. Catholic morality and moral theology.
  5. Untold millions of children murdered by abortion.
  6. Millions of young people corrupted by 'sex-education,' including the Vatican’s own notorious programme, The Meeting Point: Course of Affective Sexual Education for Young People.
  7. All who have an utter horror of abortion.
  8. Parents, siblings and extended families of aborted children.
  9. Women who may be contemplating abortion.
  10. Men and women devastated by abortion.
  11. Parents trying to educate their children in virtue.
  12. Christian civilisation and its fundamental respect for life.
  13. The most basic of all human rights, the Right to Life.
  14. The world-wide Catholic pro-life movement.
  15. Future generations deprived by contraception and abortion of children and their progeny, until time ends.
  16. Converts, who now, because of this Pope, question the validity of their conversion to Catholicism.
  17. Those thinking of becoming Catholics who are dismayed and repelled by the behaviour of this Pope.

Other instances of the Pope’s relentless erosion of Catholicism and the credibility of the Church and papacy are legion, to include: 

  1. Refusing to genuflect before the Most Blessed Sacrament.
  2. Making statements in the footnotes of Amoris Laetitia in denial of the teaching of Christ and in conflict with all previous Popes.
  3. Removing and humiliating orthodox Catholic bishops, theologians and priests.
  4. Elevating radical modernists and dissidents to the hierarchy.
  5. Ruthlessly punishing those who dare to question his actions and statements.
  6. Surrounding himself with homosexuals.
  7. Supressing orthodox Catholic religious orders.
  8. Refusing to answer questions of supreme importance.
  9. Celebrating the apostasy of Luther.
  10. Treating as co-equals heretic/apostate clergy and bishops, e.g., Anglican and Lutheran, and leaders of other false religions who endorse divorce, homosexuality, “gay marriage”, contraception, abortion and euthanasia.
  11. Imperilling the Church, Christians, Jews and all mankind by demanding unrestricted Muslim immigration.
  12. Asking shamans, pagans, heretics, apostates and witch-doctors to bless him.
  13. Supressing the reality that Islam demands total subservience of all individuals, religions and nations to it by way of forced conversion, crippling taxation with forfeiture of all societal rights, or by decapitation.
  14. Falsely stating that Muslims and Christians worship the same God, thereby causing profound distress to Muslims who have risked their lives by converting to Catholicism.
  15. Equating Islamic terrorists with Catholic fundamentalists.
  16. Discouraging conversion to Catholicism.
  17. Teaching that all religions are equally valid, including those religions that vehemently deny Christ.
  18. Insulting and often obscenely ridiculing faithful Catholics (some of which diatribes have been collected in The Pope Francis Little Book of Insults).
  19. Saying “Proselytism is solemn nonsense, it makes no sense” and “is gravely sinful,” thereby negating missionary activity and conversions to the Catholic Faith. 

The Denzinger Bergolio website provides a very extensive list of further astonishing statements made by Pope Francis, expertly explaining how they profoundly contradict Catholicism.

This bewildering creature we now dub FrancisChurch has given rise to the most dreadful apprehension and misgivings among faithful Catholics who strive to live their lives in obedience to God, to worship as the Church has always worshipped, and to believe as the Church always and everywhere has believed and taught.

Understandably, these dutiful souls now find themselves living in fear of their worst nighmare: a looming pontifical green light to indulge in "intrinsically evil" contraceptive acts.

Fear of an impending and unprecedented disaster

It is anticipated that Pope Francis will be able to gather sufficient numbers of willing co-operators, or be able to strong-arm sufficient numbers from within the ranks of the hierarchy, to allow him to normalise contraception. Possibly, the successful templates he constructed and utilised to manipulate both Synods on The Family, which preceded the publication of his Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, will be used once more.

These fears are fuelled by the manner in which Francis utilises the Seamless Garment ideology devised by Cardinal Bernadin to equate action to prevent unborn children from being murdered by abortion to the need to care for migrants, the poor and the homeless. Reiterating this spurious view in paragraphs 101-102 of his recent exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate, he rebukes those who consider "the situation of migrants" as a "secondary issue compared to the 'grave' bioethical questions" (like abortion and abortifacient contraception), accusing them of sounding like "a politician looking for votes ... not a Christian"! A cruel accusation based on a false comparison, compare the Pope's twisted logic and secular outlook with the commonsense Catholic view of Jewish convert André Frossard, whose life experience cried out against all such Seamless Garment corrosion and compromise.

If the Pope does endorse 'contraception,' he will obviously cause further untold damage to Catholicism and its Culture of Life, and to the predominantly Catholic pro-life movement.

Catholics have always been the backbone of global pro-life action. Besides opposing abortion, they have resolutely opposed birth control, recognising that many contraceptives are abortive; that the 'contraceptive mentality' gives rise to abortion; and that normalisation of abortion worldwide has proceeded via the spread of contraception. In fact, nowadays the Catholic pro-life movement is virtually the only part of the Church that is truly militant. It is relentless in opposing the Culture of Death, in defending unborn children, their mothers and fathers, Catholic morality, dogma, tradition and culture.

Should the Pope somehow permit 'contraception,' then, as the Vicar of Christ, he would thereby disregard previous teachings of the Church on this matter; shred his moral authority; and destroy Catholic belief that the Holy Spirit has always protected and guided the Pope and the Church in such grave moral matters.

Furthermore, because each individual human life begins at conception/fertilisation, if it becomes morally acceptable to murder very young human beings when they are between 5 and 11 days old, what moral arguments could then be used to condemn abortions at later and later stages, even right up to the time of birth? Also, by way of the same reasoning, what convincing moral arguments could be employed against the killing by infanticide and euthanasia, of inconvenient, unwanted, unplanned, defective, surplus and ‘burdensome’ children and adults?

In other words, what is left but to adopt the ideology that Vatican-endorsed papal friends such as Ehrlich, Sachs, Bonino and Ploumen endorse, and to adopt the ideology of demonic organisations such as Planned Parenthood, The Marie Stopes Foundation, The World Council of Right to Die Organisations, The Sierra Club, The UN Population Fund and The World Health Organisation. During December 2017, Emma Bonino was photographed rejoicing at the passage of Italy’s End of Life Law — a law that even goes so far as to prevent physicians from refusing to be involved in killing their patients by euthanasia. No "right to choose" for doctors who refuse to kill by euthanasia. Only rights and protection for doctors who "choose" to murder by abortion and euthanasia!

More deception and deadly camouflage

In surgical abortions, bloodied morcellated parts of aborted babies, torn bit by bit from out of the womb, are clearly visible. This barbarous reality causes most sane people to be horrified.

The inescapable bloody evidence has caused the population control-abortion industry to try to suppress such evidence by gagging, punishing, threatening and prosecuting those who display films and pictures that show the dreadful reality of abortion and ho uncover the appalling wickedness of the Contraception-Abortion Industry [CAI]. Indeed, as the sickening truth about surgical abortion, becomes ever more freely available, the CAI desperately seeks ways to bypass or, preferably, to eliminate the need for most surgically induced abortions. Pictures of babies who have been disembowelled; their limbs avulsed; their heads pulled off; their eyeballs sucked out of their sockets — in 'safe', 'hygienic', 'professionally performed' abortions — is very bad for the image of 'Family Planners' as 'benefactors of women.'

Even worse for the CAI's image is the public getting to see and hear — despite Planned Parenthood’s frantic efforts to hide every vestige of the truth — videos of 'family planning' murderers, and universities and research organisations, buying and selling parts of aborted babies. Thanks to these brave exposés, the public is learning how the multi-billion dollar CAI threatens and brings legal actions against those, such as the heroic David Robert Daleiden, who uncover and bring their true barbarism to light. Such films, pictures and videos capture and unmask their vile propaganda, incorporating such rationalisations as: "it’s not a baby it is a blood clot"; "it’s a foetus not a child"; "menstrual extractions"; "post-conceptive family planning"; "evacuation of the contents of the uterus" etc. — all used to disguise their cynical calculation and inhumanity.

Inventing and improving methods of murdering the unborn 

With the help of Madison Avenue and the ubiquitous and amoral Fake Corporate Media, the CAI is also desperately seeking ways to continue to dupe people into believing that 'contraception' is safe for women, and that no children are harmed, much less aborted, by their use. The horrendous and damming evidence showing clearly recognisable bits of children scraped and sucked out of wombs in surgical abortions must be avoided as far as possible by developing and marketing DIY drugs like RU486 and by '"improving" the intrinsic abortive efficiency of 'contraceptive' pills, injections and subcutaneous implantables.

Even as I write, SPUC is reporting the launch of an aggressive DIY abortion campaign in Britain:

The Women's Equality Party has launched a new campaign calling for the second pill in a medical abortion to be available to be taken at home.

[...] inews reports that the campaign "builds on the We Trust Women campaign launched by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (Bpas) to decriminalise abortion across the UK."

It also follows the decision of the Scottish Government to allow the second abortion pill (misoprostol) to be taken outside a medical setting...

In DIY abortions women are "empowered" to abort themselves in their own dwellings; being conveniently enabled to flush the corpses of their aborted babies down their own sparkling white toilet bowls into sewers, or drop them into domestic garbage-grinding disposal units. By way of early DIY abortions, the CAI hopes to be able to put some 'ethical mileage' between themselves and the horrifying evidence revealing brutally murdered unborn children, thereby avoiding the legal costs of claims for deaths and damage caused to women by surgical abortions.

In very early abortions caused by 'contraceptives' the aborted human embryos are far too small to be noticed by women in their menstrual blood flows. As St. Bernard of Clairvaux said: "what the eye sees not, the heart does not grieve"!  Additionally, enhancing the efficiency of temporary sterilising and barrier effects of contraceptives would be of great value to the population control pharmacological-abortion-axis in avoiding moral objections to them being abortive.

'Developing' depopulation

Other 'developments in contraception' are vaccines that will immunise women against their own pregnancies, killing very young embryos shortly after implantation by antibodies against hCG. Evidence of this was uncovered some years ago by Human Life International [HLI] in Mexico, Nicaragua, the Philippines and Kenya, when Catholic physicians in these countries discovered human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) in widely used Tetanus toxoid vaccines, supplied by WHO and UNICEF.

Since the discovery of this genocidal population control initiative of the World Health Organisation et. al., no further similar outrages have been uncovered, primarily because pro-life organisations in these countries lack the money and resources needed to test these vaccines for anti-fertility antibodies, substances and drugs. However, it is highly likely that similar methods of population control are still being used in the underdeveloped parts of the world on people whom the elites see as a 'people plague' and 'the great unwashed.'

In 1969, F. S. Jaffe, Vice President of Planned Parenthood, sent a memo to Bernard Berelson, an American behavioural scientist and President of the Population Fund.  Amongst other evils, Jaffe proposed putting fertility-control agents into water supplies.  Various other appalling ideas found in that memo have been extensively implemented worldwide.

The demonic crimes against life proposed in Jaffe’s memo, (available online) were produced in response to the U.S. Government calling for ideas on how to control population growth. Among these proposals is the encouragement of mass sterilisation and homosexuality as methods of birth control.
Surely, for the most obvious of biological reasons, sodomy is the most effective of all measures of birth control.

Contraception: pathway to abortion and sodomy

The late renowned Father Paul Marx OSB of HLI remarked:

"once contraception is accepted then any moral objections levelled against sodomy and masturbation largely fall away. After all, contraceptive sex is a form of mutual masturbation."

He continued:

"Having travelled and worked in 91 countries, I find no country where contraception has not led to abortion, to increasing fornication among the young, to divorce, and to all those other evils we see today that make up the international sex mess."

Malcolm Muggeridge, a British writer, humourist and convert to the Catholic Church, mostly because of Humanae Vitae and Mother Teresa, also observed that,

"Once you say that you may morally siphon off procreation from the marital/sexual act, then you are back to the old paganism when contraception, abortifacients, and abortion for failed contraception were rife, all leading to the dying of nations once abortion entered society. And if sexual activity can be allowed for recreation, then any orifice will do."

Fortunately for both Fr. Marx and Malcolm Muggeridge, they died before the present age of rampant sodomy and 'homosexual marriage', sex-robots and dolls.

Plumbing the depths of depravity

In 1974 the United States National Security Council under the direction of Henry Kissinger, published its secret National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200): "Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests."  It is a document that descends to unspeakable and scarcely believable depths of absolute evil.

Among its many wicked recommendations and proposals is a plan to use genocidal starvation to control the populations of countries whose inhabitants constituted a threat to the security and welfare of the USA — that is, by possibly restricting and obstructing the USA’s access to essential minerals and raw materials. It recommends that US leadership must "influence national leaders" and that

"improved world-wide support for population-related efforts should be sought through increased emphasis on mass media and other population education and motivation programs by the UN, USIA (United States Information Agency), and USAID."  

This plan included as key elements, contraception and abortion.

An analysis by Dr Brian Clowes of the appalling NSSM 200, is summarised as follows:

Elements of the implementation of population control programs could include; legalisation of abortion; financial incentives for countries to increase their abortion, sterilisation and contraception-use rates; indoctrination of children; and mandatory population control and coercion of other forms, such as withholding disaster and food aid unless an LDC (Less Developed Country) implements population control programs.

NSSM 200 was adopted as official US policy by President Gerald Ford in November 1975, but its presence was only uncovered in the early 1990s. Kissinger, together with his Jewish parents and siblings had fled from Nazi Germany in 1938, thereby escaping the Nazi Holocaust. Yet as Secretary of State he invented and implemented, via NSSM 200, the most terrible atrocity of all time. After retiring as US Secretary of State, Kissinger became a visiting professor of diplomacy at the Jesuit Georgetown University, and served at Georgetown's Center for Strategic and International Studies. He went on to win a Nobel Prize for Peace.

To conclude next month.





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