Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

May 2017

A short summary-explanation of the Hegelian-inspired disaster in the Church.

Does Pope Francis Believe in Truth or Power?


Catholic common sense, following St. Thomas Aquinas's philosophy, believes that our senses and reason are reliable.

Truth can be known.

On Edward Feser's philosophy blog, a commenter named "Rank Sophist" argued against truth, saying that Eastern philosophy believes that the senses and logic "lie."

Reality, truth and reason in Eastern Philosophy are "Maya," which means they are ultimately total illusion.

The sophist made me laugh. Why is the dummy bothering to write (sense of sight) and argue (logical presentation) if the guy believes the senses and reason are illusion?

Yet like the sophist, the theologians that Pope Francis believes to be reliable, such as the Hegelian Cardinal Kasper and the Post-modernist Michel de Certeau (Bergoglio's favourite theologian), don't believe in objective truth or reason.

But unlike the "Rank Sophist", they can't be laughed away. They believe in power.

Eminent Austrian philosopher Thomas Stark, in an interview with the National Catholic Register, said that Kasper's theology is Hegelian idealism (senses are not reliable) which "historicises truth" in a way that "is not coherent" and that "violates the law of non-contradiction."

"Historicised truth" means nineteenth-century "truth" is different form twentieth-century "truth."

"Violating the law of non-contradiction" means in Hegel's dialectic non-logic, that sin can become non-sin and then evolve into something else.

As Francis's close confidant Fr. Spadaro, who is called "the Pope's mouthpiece," wrote:

"2+2 in #Theology can make 5."

There is no objective truth or reason.

For Kasper there are not eternal infallible truths for all time. History or time is greater than truth. As Francis said: "Time is greater than space."

The sin of adultery can become the non-sin of "irregular relationship," which can evolve into cohabitation/fornication that has "the grace of a real marriage," as Pope Francis contends.

For St. Thomas, adultery is adultery. Marriage is marriage. A hen is a hen. An egg is an egg.

Hegelians disagree with Aquinas. G.K. Chesterton explained how they think:

"The Hegelian may say that an egg is really a hen, because it's a part of an endless process of Becoming."

For Kasper, and it appears for Francis, there is no objective truth or reason. This is bad. Even worse, however, is the end result of Hegelianism.

In The Ominous Parallels, philosopher Leonard Peikoff wrote of the ultimate end or Becoming of Hegel:

"'All the worth which the human being possesses,' writes Hegel, 'all spiritual reality, he possesses only through the state'."

The Hegelian philosophy of history of superior states evolving from inferior states (or the bringing about of the super state from an inferior state by a process of Becoming) brought us:

The totalitarian states of the mass-murdering holocausts of Hitler's National Socialist Germany (implicitly) and Marxist Russia (explicitly).

Marx and Lenin explicitly turned Hegelianism into the Marxist evolved dialectic state. Hitler implicitly turned it into the evolved superman racist state.

Following in their Hegelian footsteps came the Latin American Marxist/Socialist tyrannies and disasters such as Castro's Cuba. And now Maduro's Venezuela, which Francis appears to support and to be propping up.



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