Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

January 2013

The success of "gay" propaganda, slavishly disseminated by the Western media, depends on the suppression or shouting down of bald facts, like those revealing the rampant disease and dysfunction bred by homosexual acts. "Homosexuality is UNHEALTHY," protested one exasperated blogger. "It is what it is, And to tell our children they should try it is an abomination." It is also expensive. We pay a huge price for turning a blind eye to the degenerate deathstyle of those who self-identify as homosexual (a mere 1.5% of the British populace according to government figures released on 28 September 2012). Not just in terms of moral corruption and social disintegration but also in hard taxpayer cash: through the massive cost of medical treatment for sick and dying "gays." While recently perusing the website of a local CINO homosexual lobby group, a CO subscriber found that its ranks, both lay and clerical, are rapidly thinning. "They're all dying!" he said, reeling off the list of names. "And they're not all that old. No surprises there." Indeed. Early death is just one of the endlessly tragic fates of homosexuals and lesbians. There are literally dozens of chronic diseases that afflict "gays" that do not affect the rest of us. Hence the fundamental motivation and goal of every "gay" strategy: RECRUITMENT — to replace the debilitated and the dead.

Just as the "gay" lobby's usurping of parental authority and control, through manipulation of children in the educational sphere, must be raised always and everywhere because it is one of the few arguments that still cuts through emotive "equality/rights" propaganda, so the kinds of horrific facts provided in this article — part of the Center for Marriage Policy's "Protecting Marriage Month" initiative last September — must be constantly set before the naive, misinformed and badly misled. This includes Archbishop Vincent Nichols, who believes that homosexual "relationships" are just lifelong friendships. Asked last March what he would say to a "gay" Catholic "couple" who approached him for marriage within the Church, the Archbishop said: "I would want to say to them that I understand their desires, that I understand their experience of love is vitally important in their lives. ... I would want them to be respected, but I would want them to have a vision in themselves that what they are called to is not marriage but a very profound and lifelong friendship." Please, would some charitable readers give His Grace the reality check he so desperately needs by sending him copies of the following piece, before his false-charity leads even more impressionable Catholic souls into this lethal Bacchanalian swamp.

Homosexual Promiscuity:

Breeding a National Health Problem

David R. Usher and Cynthia L. Davis

"Marriage Equality" is perhaps the most convoluted canard of our time. Underneath the hood of the homosexual revolution churns the most serious avoidable health problems of our time.

The majority of our most dangerous sexual diseases emanate from the homosexual revolution and are transmitted to wives, infants, children, and men by LBGTQ [Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender, Queer] individuals who are most often bisexual.

Bisexuals are the majority in the LBGTQ movement. Approximately 1.8% to 4% of Americans are bisexual. This broad gateway infects unsuspecting heterosexual Americans with serious or fatal diseases. The impact on heterosexual women is serious. 70% of HIV infections in women are attributed to heterosexual contact.

The impact of homosexuality on the rest of us can no longer be ignored:

Homosexuality has been "legitimized" in our schools. It is considered an act of hate to question or oppose sexual perversion. Why do we teach homosexuality in our schools while strongly encouraging our children not to use drugs or smoke? Fatality data indicates that promiscuity and homosexuality are at least as dangerous to health and life as smoking or drugs.

In New York City, very high rates of risky homosexual practices are reported. Nearly 10% of sexually-active New York City high school students say they had at least one same-sex partner. Children do what they are taught. "Gay, lesbian, and bisexual students are not born that way. The most recent, extensive, and scientifically sound research finds that the primary factor in the development of homosexuality is environmental not genetic."

Smoking is banned everywhere in America because of the risks imposed to others. We are tough on drinking and driving for the same reasons. We can no longer give homosexuality a free pass because the grave healthcare burden it imposes on the rest of us. The taxpayers cannot "leave the room" to avoid being harmed.

Incubating a national health problem:
Gay men have between 4 and 100 times more sex partners than heterosexual men. Lesbians are 4.5 times more likely to have over 50 sex partners in their lifetime compared with heterosexual women. 75-90 percent of women who have sex with women have also had sex with men. Only 10% of homosexual relationships are monogamous after five years.

Gay advocacy overwhelms science
Ryan Sorba's authoritative history of gay advocacy documents how the homosexual revolution overwhelmed the scientific community in the 1970's and 1980's, applying aggressive activism and now-debunked "studies" to achieve the impossible: diagnoses of homosexual disorders are no longer objective. A psychiatric disorder exists only if the individual subjectively discovers it. The majority of therapy focuses on solipsistic "affirmative therapy" (helping homosexuals feel comfortable with their behaviour) instead of steering them to effective "change therapy" that could save their lives and relieve their mental anxieties.

Since psychiatric science does not recognize homosexuality as a diagnosable disorder, the policy responses of the CDC, psychological and psychiatric professions, and schools are limited to carefully encouraging condom use and spending vast sums of taxpayer monies taking care of ill and dying individuals.

Gay advocates now controlling the American Psychiatric Association created false science far more dangerous than Al Gore's debunked global warming theories. Gore's confabulations did not kill anyone.

Gay advocates blame the consequences of their behaviour on us, demanding that science and taxpayers take care of them. Elton John blames "stigma" for causing the AIDS crisis, asserting that "love can fix the problem." If gay leaders truly loved their followers, they would be addressing rampant promiscuity to save the lives of their followers instead of blaming everyone else.

Gay politics has become another big-government enterprise. It forces us to accept it, urges more youth to do it, and creates expensive problems requiring massive funding to clean up the mess.

Kinsey acolytes have perverted politics and science in ways not seen since the dark ages. The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed a bill that would "protect all 547 forms of sexual deviancy or 'paraphilias.'" California is considering legislation guaranteeing that many children will die: S.B. 1172 will bar counselors from helping children recover from unwanted same-sex attractions.

Gay Marriage will not reduce homosexual promiscuity
Gay marriage is an absurd proposition. Dan Savage, a leader of the gay movement, promotes promiscuity. The homosexual revolution is founded on sexual promiscuity.

In states that have gay marriage, few men marry. Between 2004 and 2008, only 37% of same-sex marriages in Massachusetts involved men.

There is no evidence that "coupling" or gay marriage has notable impact on gay promiscuity.

Marriage becomes a promiscuous government village
Gay marriage is destined to be a three-way marriage between two women and big government. When Suzie marries Joanie, the kids will most often be born of serial extramarital encounters (where men are unlikely to know that birth control is not being used).

Gay marriage establishes a superior four-income, two-mother, big government family. Marriage-as-village policy is a lucrative tentacular arrangement: women keep their own incomes, depending on government to force several men to provide multiple tax-free "child support" incomes.

The tremendous advantages of gay marriage for women are reflected in marriage data. Gay marriage is nearly twice as popular with women in Massachusetts, where 63% of gay marriages involved women between 2004 and 2008.

Gay politics overruns libertarianism and conservatism
Gay conservatism is an impossible concept. The gay movement will settle for nothing less than hard-core multiculturalist government. GoProud pretends that gay marriage is a state issue while actively supporting it at the federal level. Gay marriage is very much a federal issue because DOMA [The Defence of Marriage Act] exists. An onslaught of litigation intended to demolish DOMA is raining down on the U.S. Supreme Court. Lawsuits of every possible stripe are headed to the Supreme Court to force homosexuality on America.

The Republican Party allowed Homocon 2012 to be held at its convention and allowed leftists to participate in writing its 2012 platform — a move that may suppress or alienate a large segment of the conservative and Tea Party vote. Glenn Beck now supports gay marriage. He is apparently unaware of the grave damage gay marriage will do to the rest of America.

Dear Glenn: Multicultural marriage divides America into two absolute classes depending solely on reproductive ability — with women entitled and men plantation bondservants to big government. God-given natural social, parental and economic rights will be fully usurped by government. Health care costs will soar due to illness and social problems grow due to the numbers of sexually-confused children and adults. Your pocket will be picked and your children indoctrinated whether you like it or not.

We must rescind irresponsible homosexual public policy from the law books across-the-board and discourage homosexual behaviour. We must not allow pansexuals to take over the conservative movement like they did the American Psychiatric Association. Their invasion is as dangerous to our socioeconomic fabric as the Occupy movement is to free enterprise.

America is burning down because of the demise of heterosexual marriage. Marriage-absence is the greatest socioeconomic problem we face. Our focus must be on restoring heterosexual marriage as the social norm.

Protecting Marriage Month:
The debate over gay marriage never should have left the starting gate. It has always been an illegitimate conversation. The hotbed of dangerous sexually-transmitted diseases transmitted from the homosexual population to the rest of America is the problem that must be addressed.

Where we do not provide special protections or affirmations for drug users, smokers, or criminals with behavioural problems, entertaining gay marriage, civil unions, and local ordinances giving homosexuals special rights is out of the question.

"Protecting Marriage Month" is a viral leafleting campaign initiated by the Center for Marriage Policy that every American can use to help others understand what is at stake. Businesses, politicians, and city councils should care about health and safety of women and children. We encourage everyone to actively distribute the Protecting Marriage Month leaflet during the month of September.

David R. Usher is President and Cynthia L. Davis Executive Director of the Center for Marriage Policy. Footnote links verifying every statistic and claim in this article can be found on the original post at:



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