Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

January 2011



ASSIMILATING HOMOSEXUALITY - 'without facts, logic or proof'

After the Ball: how America will conquer its fear and hatred of gays in the '90s [1989] is a depressingly powerful manual on how to manipulate the populace into accepting the abomination of same-sex intercourse. Authors Kirk and Madsen recommend the following deceitful strategy, which has been applied worldwide to mainstream (normalise) sodomy and sodomitical "marriage," "adoption" etc.:

  1. "When you're very different... this is what you do: first you get your foot in the door, by being as similar as possible; then, and only then – when your one little difference is finally accepted – can you start dragging in your other peculiarities, one by one. You hammer in the wedge narrow end first" [authors' emphases].

  2. "All normal people feel shame when they perceive that they are not thinking, feeling, or acting like one of the pack... our effect is achieved without reference to facts, logic, or proof... In short, Jamming succeeds insofar as it inserts even a slight frisson of doubt."


ALIENS IN OUR MIDST - Facts, Logic and Proof


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