Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

April 2023

The Ultimate Reality


The 'death of the West' is a common theme. For several decades it has been observed, analysed and lamented by Christian commentators of the highest calibre. Increasingly, agnostics and atheists have joined them to sound the alarm. For, inevitably, the godless hordes they helped fashion have now turned against them.

Multi-millionaire author J.K. Rowling continues to endure vicious personal attacks for having drawn her 'progressive' line in the sand at transgender lunacy. The snowflake generation that enriched her now hurls insults and threats. Raised on her occult Harry Potter books, they moved seamlessly from wizards and magic to the 'trans' fantasy and vehemently insist she join them, or else.

The BBC's favourite atheist is also reaping his unsettling reward. "David Attenborough has spent his life climate change scaremongering, and is now being attacked by the lunatics he helped to create," chuckled a friend over recent reports of an eco-warrior haranguing the eco-icon "at the top of her lungs" in a Weymouth fish restaurant. "The town I love, Weymouth, will be underwater and you sit there in this restaurant having dinner!' she shrieked before being forcibly removed by police and arrested. A providential wake-up call for the sainted evolutionist, perhaps? For subverting the Creator while living off the glories of His Creation? Just saying.

Regardless, as the dog-eat-dog denizens of the secularised West hurtle to their mutually assured destruction, they will continue to devour their own. Richard Dawkins is another who'd better watch out. The author of The God Delusion has disappointed his fans by hurtfully designating their Trans Delusion as science fiction. "As a biologist, there are two sexes," Dawkins told interviewer Piers Morgan. "And that’s all there is to it." He called the idea of many genders "errant nonsense," offering a one-word answer to how to combat it: "science."

Really? If this atheistic panacea did not convince the woke to ditch their "nonsense" pre Covid, what possible hope today? Trust in a "science" captured and weaponised by vested interests is now in the sewer with all the other once noble professions stunk out by deceit, incompetence and rampant self-serving.

Though clearly beyond the grasp of one-dimensional earth-bound thinkers like Dawkins and Attenborough, the simple one-word solution to the ruling "errant nonsense" is not a disgraced and sullied science, but God. Rather than treating science as god they need to embrace the God of science! And Catholicism. Since to acknowledge the One True God but not His One True Church — His earthly mouthpiece — is self-defeating, dangerous, and, dare we say it, unscientific. (See Andrew Pollard herein.)

Alas, even as the godless pigeons come home to roost in their own personal regards, they go on sawing through the Christian branch on which they so ungraciously, yet profitably, perch. Forever turning somersaults to marginalise and mythologise the towering figure of Jesus Christ (when not writing Him out of world history altogether, as with the academic use of Common Era in lieu of Anno Domini), neo-pagans remain insensible to His divine and natural laws as the foundation of their privileged Western life.

Even the animating Christian force behind the evolution of their cherished human rights conveniently escapes them, as does the source of their freedom to pervert those rights; a liberty denied by Islam and other totalitarian creeds. Since their wilful yet sadly influential ignorance has sowed the seeds of the burgeoning lunacies they deplore, a Catholic crash course on the reality of man and his true nature — on the soul, sin, freedom, choice, and eternal destinies — will help.

In a fourth century catechetical lecture, St. Cyril of Jerusalem neatly explained that:

Next to the knowledge of this venerable and glorious and all-holy Faith, learn further what you yourself art: that as man you are of a two-fold nature, consisting of soul and body; and that, as was said a short time ago, the same God is the Creator both of soul and body. Know also that you have a soul self-governed, the noblest work of God, made after the image of its Creator: immortal because of God that gives it immortality; a living being, rational, imperishable, because of Him that bestowed these gifts: having free power to do what it wills.

And learn this also, that the soul, before it came into this world, had committed no sin, but having come in sinless, we now sin of our free-will...The soul is immortal, and all souls are alike both of men and women; for only the members of the body are distinguished. There is not a class of souls sinning by nature, and a class of souls practicing righteousness by nature: but both act from choice, the substance of their souls being of one kind only, and alike in all.

The soul is self-governed: and though the devil can suggest, he has not the power to compel against the will. He pictures to you the thought of fornication: if you will, you accept it; if you will not, you reject. For if you were a fornicator by necessity, then for what cause did God prepare hell? If you were a doer of righteousness by nature and not by will, wherefore did God prepare crowns of ineffable glory?

There is the rational basis of the Christian civilisation they spurn; from which Catholic teaching one draws, for instance, the authentic meanings of "pro-choice," "death with dignity" and all the other phrases they have twisted and cynically sloganised to such catastrophic effect. Indeed, for all their eco-apocalypse and "sustainability" hype, they both proclaim and embody the most apocalyptic and unsustainable venture of all: a civilisation without Christ and His Teaching Church. 

Having removed from the glorious edifice of Western civilisation its Divine cornerstone — the Resurrected Logos — they have re-erected a pagan cult of death on a bloodthirsty foundation of baby abattoirs-cum-organ factories, care homes-cum-euthanasia centres and, latterly, mandated gene therapy-cum-depopulation shots and the transition-cum-mutilation of children and the mentally-ill. The primal purpose being to efface and replace the Christian culture of faith, life, marriage and family with Moloch's transgender/transhumanist anti-culture; a satanic goal driven by personal sexual deviance, hubris, ideology and an eye to huge corporate profits.

As I write, a Daily Mail headline of 28 March reads: "Humans will achieve immortality in eight YEARS, says former Google engineer who has predicted the future with 86% accuracy." The engineer in question, Ray Kurzweil, has long promoted the "Singularity": the merging of man and machine through genetics, nanotechnology and robotics, which he says will produce age-reversing 'nanobots' that repair degraded cells and tissues to usher in eternal life on earth.

The bridge to that grandiose, not to say unhinged objective is transgenderism. To orchestrate its acceptance — i.e., the swapping of reality for unreality — may have seemed like mission impossible. As with the dehumanisation of the unborn and the mainstreaming of sodomy, however, it only required sponsors with deep pockets. Such as the globally influential Gill and Arcus Foundations and their labyrinthine subsidiaries; homosexualist juggernauts that provided unlimited funds to destigmatise the transgender fetish by propagandising every nook and cranny of every sector of society.

Not only the usual suspects — media recipients of advertising billions, political beneficiaries of campaign millions, etc. — but cash-strapped community groups and educational institutions in particular were keen to take big bucks to push the ideology (presented as a compassionate matter of human rights).

Thus emerged a pseudo-reality that few dare to question. And it came in a rush. With the help of the medical industrial complex and duly erected legal scaffolding to support the new trans cash cow, this reversal was effectively accomplished in a concentrated period of a single decade (—although, according to radical feminist Jennifer Bilek, yet another leftist utterly fed up with woke derangement, the founders of the above-mentioned Foundations, Tim Gill and Jon Stryker, commenced the redirection from sodomitic 'marriage' to transgenderism in the late 90s and early 2000s).

Naturally, this manic quest to erase Genesis 1:27 — "male and female he created them" — has triggered devilish delirium, fury and chaos. Yet if sci-fi technology (Artificial Intelligence, gene therapy, nanotech, etc.) is driving the project its final objective is hardly rocket science. As American Dr. Steve Hotze underlined in a recent video commentary (my transcript):   

The ultimate goal is to kill people. And if you say, ‘Why would they want to do that?’ Well, always, if something seems strange, ask yourself a question: What have the marxists, the communists, the liberals, the leftists been doing since 1970? They have been killing unborn children, in the womb. So if they’ll kill unborn children in the womb, why is it hard for you to think that [they will stop there]. And that was a depopulation plan, Margaret Sanger wanted to get rid of blacks. The way you do it, is you have abortions. And the vast number of abortions in America since 1970 have been performed on blacks. Planned Parenthood didn’t want blacks. Margaret Sanger was a racist, they didn’t want blacks, they didn’t want that under-class. So, they wanted to kill them. Now what are they doing, they’re mutilating children. That’s nothing to them anymore; if you can kill a baby in the womb then you can mutilate children. And, they’re giving the [gene therapy] injection across the board.

In one of his many outspoken online interviews during the Covid lockdowns, renowned British historian David Starkey also spoke to this dark pedigree of oxymoronic 'socialist democracies' (my transcript): 

The institution that I ornamented for 35 years of my career, LSE [London School of Economics], is founded by eugenicists. Right? The Left is soaked in eugenicism absolutely up to its eyeballs. The LSE, the funding for its building, the funding came from ... three guesses who? Rockefeller. And what was the reason? It was because [the economist who helped shape Britain's welfare state, William] Beveridge and Rockefeller share an interest in eugenics. And there was a department of social biology, and it was said you couldn't walk up and down Hutton Street without retching for the stench of tortured rats in the basement, you know. Come on!

And Marie Stopes, now idolised for abortion and birth control and all the rest, believed passionately in the elimination of the disabled. This goddess of liberated womanhood actually approves of Hitler because of his eugenic programme, which finds its natural culmination in the concentration camps. Where remember they only had the Jews quite late on, after they've got rid of the disabled, the gay, the gypsy and all the rest of it.

Even more wicked and resolute today, the eugenic sect is now mainstreaming its Hitleresque vision of genetically and technologically enhanced humanoids: slave creatures fabricated to fill a Christ-less vacuum dressed up as 'modernity.'

Yet despite his welcome denunciation of the eugenic dimension and refusal to bow to the pronoun mob, the homosexual Starkey ignores his own contribution to this anarchic and sinister state of play — which, after all, is just the latest in the long line of modern revolts against Almighty God. Like his atheistic comrades, those rebellions served Starkey very nicely; throwing down Catholic prohibitions against contraception, abortion, and sodomy. These and other rotten fruits of their substitute religion (Secular Humanism) have dropped from the 'progressive' tree for two or three generations while those vested in the immorality cultivated the abominations.

Until now. Suddenly, they are aghast as the final crop is gathered in and digested by legislators of the Moloch state. But why the surprise? These are the same legislative wizards who conjured earlier diabolicfantasies like 'homosexual marriage' into legal fantasies. The same vanguard of the Culture of Death who not only block their ears, cover their eyes and shut their mouths before the abortion holocaust but recently enshrined in UK law a cast-iron protection for baby-killers: thought-crime (1)

Truly, there is no desire or concept too fantastical or barbaric that Westminster's bi-partisan Uniparty will not deceitfully accommodate either by statutory sleight of hand, or the sort of outright contempt for truth and life evidenced anew by their evasion of 'vaccine' deaths and injuries; the latest slaughter and crippling of British innocents for which they again bear ultimate responsibility and once again refuse to face.

The banality of evil personified, one cannot expect much from such morally bankrupt self-servers. Certainly not the clear vision and courage required to stand four square against a movement unique in the history of civilisational attacks. A preternatural force becoming ever more ferocious and bloody as the mental derangement fostered and facilitated by officialdom bursts out of the confines of female changing rooms and prisons, where real women are now raped by fake 'women', to flood the public arena.

The murder of three nine-year-olds and three adults at a Nashville Christian school on 27 March by a 28-year-old woman pretending to be a man will hardly energise the Westminster crew. Far from stiffening their spines they will note with dread that it occurred amid a surge in trans threats against a Tennessee legislature seeking to prevent the sexual mutilation of children: by voting overwhelmingly to ban transgender surgeries for minors and the grooming of children through drag shows at schools, libraries, and other inappropriate venues.

Undoubtedly, like the U.S. media in the aftermath of the shooting (e.g., ABC news), they will then ignore the rising  trend of similar trans violence in recent years (the murder of 5 people in Colorado last November by a 'non-binary' perpetrator to cite just one example), to make common cause with the perpetrator, Audrey Hale; laying blame at the feet of the 'uncaring' legislators who provoked her, rather than denouncing her murderous hatred for Christians who would not bow to her narcissistic Trans Cult and its demonic idol: the Self. 

This cowardly and complicit response is all too predictable. Moreover, the findings of independent journalist Andy Ngo will further the determination of political faint-hearts not to confront and face down this burgeoning menace.

Ngo told Tucker Carlson on Fox News that in the months leading up to the mass murder in Nashville he "documented and tracked [a] surge in violent rhetoric by self-identified trans militant activists, particular on Twitter, in response to various states restricting or banning the medical transitioning of minors." During his years of courageous reporting on the Antifa terrorists, Ngo also observed that among those arrested during Antifa's violent riots a hugely disproportionate number were people who did not identify with their biological gender: "on some nights [as] high as 20%," which he stressed was "magnitudes higher" than the proportion of "trans-identifying" people in the wider populace.

There is, he added, "mountains of evidence that people who suffer from gender dysphoria also suffer from very high rates of mental health comorbidities," while "peer-reviewed research out of Canada" shows that "young transgender people are particularly vulnerable to violent radicalisation."

"When you have this reality on top of people being fed cross-sex hormones and also being in an environment where you are encouraged to have a violent hatred of wider society," Ngo said, "[then the outcome is what we saw] before, during and after this killing." He pointed to various Trans Resistance Networks that embraced the Nashville bloodbath as a boon to their agenda; one of which groups had pencilled in for the first of April a "Trans Day of Vengeance" in Washington (—to avenge, that is, the non-existent "trans genocide" being perpetrated in their fictional world while their comrades actually kill Christians in the real one).

Finally, it goes without saying that the trans incubator that hatched the homicidal Hale is a mere subset of the societal asylum.

"Hale had texted a friend warning that she was about to commit an atrocity on Monday, and the friend spent hours attempting to tip off the police," reported the American Spectator. "But with streets and phone lines filled with dysfunctional and dangerous people on the brink of self-harm or other personal destruction, it’s no longer even an expectation the cops can act pro-actively in advance of tragedies like this."

In sum, it is good that high-profile non-believers now rail against this Dante-like maelstrom they helped foment. Also gratifying are public outcries like that which recently brought down Scotland's ultra-woke First Minister, who finally fell on her trans sword. But as there is no limiting Christian principle on the woke left to temper their violent perversion of all that is good, true and real, and since those outraged by this nuclear nihilism have also razed the civilising benchmarks (aka Ten Commandments) that gave rise to their hitherto protective and comforting world, citizens of the post-Christian West are in a devilish bind; party to their own destruction by a Frankenstein 'reality' that piggybacked their own non serviam.

This crippling complicity will remain for as long as they reject He Who sustains them in being; Who maintains the well-being of all that exists because He is God. He Whom we are called to know, love and serve in this life, so we can be with Him forever in the next: where His created bodies are not mutilated and 'transitioned', but transformed and glorified.

As the Church groans under the weight of a woke pontiff who panders to souls enslaved by the Trans Cult instead of evangelising and liberating them, the Easter Victory serves more than ever to strengthen our resolve before this latest wave of Christian persecutors. Like demons with a God-complex they rail against their Creator and all who hold to His just laws and perfect designs. In the ascendancy, they mutilate bodies, minds and souls with impunity. But just as the darkness always yields to the Light, satanic rage always peters out. For, in the end, it cannot hold back the new dawn of the Ultimate Reality:

Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!



(1) On 8 March 2023, by 299 votes to 116, they defeated a modest amendment to a clause introducing buffer zones, that would have protected silent prayer outside abortuaries. Thinking a prayer in your mind is now an offence with potentially crippling fines and/or a prison sentence of up to two years



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